Tales of the Gold Monkey Completed Stories List
Enjoy a tall drink, or a tall tale with the regulars of the Monkey Bar...
This story list contains all the "pure" Tales of the Gold Monkey stories, without characters from other books, TV shows, or movies. It's just our regular heroes doing their regular thing, in their own regular island world.
Ill Wind by Penelope Hill. 'I shall challenge the dark
spirit that desires the heart, and with it put an end to my enemies, though it
cost me my soul ...' (?k)
Better the Devil, You Know by Penelope Hill. A local fisherman lands a very dangerous catch - and Jake Cutter must bargain with Princess Kogi to save the life of a friend. (?k)
The Fire of the White Fountain by Penelope Hill. Accidents happen. But they also have consequences - and a doorway that's opened by accident can lead to unexpected places ...(?k)
Madelaine by Penelope Hill. Life in the islands is never quite what it seems. And even the most domestic of situations can conceal unexpected secrets (?k). Note: Contains PG-13/R Scenes.
Scent of a Woman by Morg Haberman. Bon Chance remembers... (?k) Note: Contains strong R Scenes.
Suffering a Sea Change by Penelope Hill. Bon Chance gets himself into deep water. (?k) Note: Contains PG-13/R Scenes.
A Tale of Two Monkeys by Leanne Shawler. The Germans capture Jake and Sarah! (33k)
Unremembered Rendezvous by Penelope Hill. She was a star in every sense of the word - but when Yvette Carlin arrives on Boragora, the mixture of pride, passion and pure Hollywood turns out to be unexpectedly lethal. (?k)
The Visit With St. Nick by ninamonkey. It's August, a month both Jake and Corky dread, and two new visitors to Boragora threaten to make things worse. (105k)