Tales of the Gold Monkey Crossovers List

"Crossovers" refers to any stories written in more than one fictional universe. For example, if you decide to have Jake & Corky meet Captain Kirk, Dr. Who, or the crew of Blake's Seven (or even the cast of Friends), you've created a crossover story. Here are some great pieces to help fuel your imagination.



Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Things That Go Chomp in the Night by Robert Clinton. A series of strange murders lead Louie and Jack to suspect that Vampires have infiltrated Boragora...(194KB)


Lois and Clark

 Only Angels Have Wings by Leanne Shawler. Lois and Clark decide on a vacation in the Pacific, when their airplane goes down--and lands in 1938! And Clark must find out why his Superman powers suddenly stopped working. (?KB)


Rollplaying Games

A Star to Steer Her By by Lillian Shepherd. A Cthulu rollplaying game crossover. Jake, Corky & Jack battle the forces of darkness in a great Cthulhu adventure. (?k)


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"Tales of the Gold Monkey" characters and their likenesses  property of Universal. All original stories are property of the authors.  All rights reserved.
Revised: June 13, 2000 .