Tales of the Gold Monkey Poetry, Scripts, Etc. List

Are you a script writer? Maybe a full story can't say what you need. Maybe you'd like to sing about the Monkey Bar to the tune of "Memories." Or maybe you've got something that doesn't really fit anywhere. If so, this section is for you...  

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Corky McCorkle by Tali Urulu III. Exhibits from the famous Cutter Air Museum featuring Michael P. McCorkle, alias "Corky" from Tales of the Gold Monkey. Click here for additional photographs and memorabilia from Corky's collection. The photos include his United States homecoming after his unfortunate internment at a Japanese prison camp.

The Cutter Air Museum by Dr. Husila Specht, Curator. The official homepage of the famous Cutter Air Museum in the Seiber Islands. Includes links to Jake Cutter and Michael P. McCorkle (aka "Corky") exhibits and memorabilia.

I Remember by Penelope Hill. A Tales of the Gold Monkey poem. 

Jake Cutter: Legend or Myth? by Professor Klaus Werner Immerschreiben. An article tracing Jake Cutter's whereabouts from 1933 to 1972...

The Lost Eye of the Little Brownish Dog by Penelope Hill. A Tales of the Gold Monkey poem.

Quinton McHale, Myth or Legend? by Tali Urulu III. An article tracing the connection between Quinton McHale (from McHale's Navy) and Jake Cutter.  

Seiber Islands Historical Journal (Internet Edition) by Tali Urulu III. Homepage of the official Seiber Islands historical records. Includes information about the Grand Duchy of Wotanberg that involves Jake Cutter.

Somewhere...1938 by Penelope Hill. A Tales of the Gold Monkey vignette.


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"Tales of the Gold Monkey" characters and their likenesses  property of Universal. All original stories are property of the authors.  All rights reserved.
Revised: September 09, 2000 .